News from pre-specified subgroup analyzes of the CLEAR-Outcomes trial
Ubomíra Fábryová 1,2,3,4
Authors‘ workplace:
MetabolKLINIK s. r. o., Ambulancia pre diabetológiu, poruchy látkovej premeny a výživy, MED PED centrum, Bratislava
1; Ústav výživy FOaZOŠ, Slovenská zdravotnícka univerzita v Bratislave
2; Biomedicínske centrum Slovenskej Akadémie Vied, Bratislava
3; Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce sv. Alžbety, Inštitút prevencie a intervencie, Bratislava
Published in:
AtheroRev 2024; 9(1): 35-40
The number of patients using hypolipidemic treatment is increasing from year to year. On a global scale, the most frequently prescribed hypolipidemic drugs are statins, which have become first-line drugs as well as the cornerstone of combined hypolipidemic therapy. Suboptimal adherence to hypolipidemic treatment is associated with suboptimal control of the lipid spectrum, with an increase in cardiovascular disease and death, as well as with increasing costs for the management of dyslipidemia treatment and associated diseases and complications. The most common cause of non-adherence or interruption of hypolipidemic treatment is muscle symptomatology with subsequent statin intolerance, for which we have defined precise procedures. The possibility of continuing the treatment is the use of combined hypolipidemic treatment with the use of ezetimibe and/or bempedoic acid, or their fixed combinations. Recently published pre-specified analyzes of the CLEAR-Outcomes trial proved that bempedoic acid is effective in reducing further (subsequent) cardiovascular events, is effective in patients with various degrees of impaired glucose tolerance, without increasing the risk of developing new-onset diabetes mellitus and can be safely and effectively used in combination with ezetimibe in individuals with statin intolerance.
bempedoic acid – statin intolerance – ezetimibe – CLEAR-Outcomes trial – pre-specified subgroup analysis
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Angiology Diabetology Internal medicine Cardiology General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
Athero Review

2024 Issue 1
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